FileFormat UserCal-1.0 // (lines beginning with // are ignored.) // This example represents the IF shape of a tuner // Frequencies (X) are equally spaced // Data is in real and imaginary format // Headers are case sensitive and must be exactly as shown. // Trace Data YComplex 1 YFormat RI XDelta 2000000.0 XStart -22000000 Y -0.3808 0.0909 -0.2444 0.3521 0.0035 0.4570 0.2468 0.4162 0.4309 0.2853 0.5331 0.1073 0.5587 -0.0756 0.5271 -0.2448 0.4520 -0.3836 0.3550 -0.4887 0.2401 -0.5552 0.1159 -0.5926 -0.0155 -0.6005 -0.1471 -0.5808 -0.2723 -0.5238 -0.3853 -0.4313 -0.4740 -0.2963 -0.5257 -0.1315 -0.5147 0.0711 -0.4076 0.2775 -0.1869 0.4291 0.1186 0.4210 0.3022 0.2650